
Your first visit to Dr Arboleda’s office establishes the foundation for our relationship with you. During the first visit, we make sure to learn important background information, like your medical history, and give you the time to get to know Dr. Arboleda. To understand what to expect for your first visit to our practice, please read through this page. You'll find all the practical information you need, such as our mission statement, a map and directions to our office, and more. You can even save some time at your first visit by printing out and completing the patient forms in advance of your appointment.

Mission Statement

Our practice is working together to realize a shared vision of uncompromising excellence in internal medicine.

To fulfill this mission, we are committed to:

  • Listening to those we are privileged to serve.
  • Earn the trust and respect of our patients, colleagues and community.
  • Ensure a creative, challenging and compassionate professional environment.
  • Strive for continuous improvement at all levels.

Patient Forms

Please print our and fill these forms prior to your first visit. There may be some additional paperwork when you come in. Please bring your photo ID and insurance card to your first visit.

In order to view or print these forms you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed.

Click here to download it.

Directions and Parking

Click here for door to door driving directions

Feel free to call our office or email us with any questions.

We are located at the intersection of Hercules Ave and Rogers St, just south of Gulf to Bay Blvd (SR60). We are currently in the Canterbury Oak Office Park across from Clearwater High School. Public Transportation stops at the corner of Hercules Ave and Gulf to Bay Blvd on PSTA Route 60.

What to expect

Being well-prepared for your appointment will ensure that the doctor has all of the needed information to provide the best possible care for you. It also will help relieve any unnecessary anxiety you may be feeling. Please bring your current medications or a current medication list, any medical records you may have received after a hospital visit or from another doctor, and any forms you need filled out after appropriate visits and tests. We also find it helpful to get your questions down on paper so you don’t forget to ask anything during your time with the doctor. We look forward to your first visit and welcome to our practice.

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Our Location

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